Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christianity - An alternate view

Christianity: (I am writing this essay just to show what Christianity really is and reading this one is more important for my next essay) This is the most populous religion which commands over 2 billion followers worldwide with a variety of sects which includes mainly Catholics, Protestants, Mormons (mainly in US only), Pentecostals, Jehovah Witness, Baptists, Evangelicals, Presbytarians, Orthodox, Roman Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Polish Church are named to a few and major ones. Coming to Christianity, it was started on name of Jesus Christ who is hailed as son of only God Jehovah (according to Christians). We are told that God sent his only son to save mankind from destruction, to show us light and Jesus will be killed for our sins. There are many miracles mentioned in Bible about how Jesus cured ill and revived dead people and he himself came to life three days after he was killed(by Romans and Jews). Lets talk about Jesus later.

We all know that earlier Christians were from Judaism. So christianity inherited scriptures, Gods and some festivals from their former religion Judaism. Christianity also has members from many other religions like Mithraism and many other contemporary religions. This can be found by presence of Karma Theory, Christmas, Priests staying bachelors for whole life (this is a must in the earlier times of Christianity).

Now coming to other side of coin, Christianity ruled Europe for more than a millinia. In many countries it even ruled for almost 1500 years. But if we look at the history, it was the dark ages for entire Europe. No arts were flourished, trade was entirely dependant on other nations like India, china, Persia and Arabia. During the initial years, Christianity fought against Roman empire. There are few stories which Christians want to hide throughout the history like one about St. Augustine. Many Christians agree he is the one whom god gave extra life even after he was poisoned. But they never say that he is one who said that there is compulsion in religion and whoever left Christianity, they should be killed. There are a few historical incidents which Christians don’t want you to talk about like Spanish Inquisition, Crusades(mainly the children’s Crusade), Slave trade(where slaves were employed for development and flourishing of church properties), Goa Inquisition in India and many others. So let’s not talk about them.

Jesus said to forgive everybody. But it seems that church is against his words. They destroyed Romans with help of Romans. Yes, I am not out of my mind and I am not on High. It was Constantine who made Christianity official religion of Rome and finally Christianity overthrew the Rome and took control. Other than Romans, it was Jews who are involved in persecution of Jesus. We all know what happened to jesus under Hitler’s regime. Even though he didn’t kill jews for persecution of Jesus, but still they were killed throughout Europe. Even Stalin killed jews. During crusades, many jews were killed for no reason. This is how the Christians treat their mentors. They destroyed Rome, they killed Jews whenever they find a chance. And this Christianity was hailed as a peaceful religion. There is a saying in Indian languages, anybody will do good for the person who had helped him, but it will only take a great person to help a person who harmed you. This is about persons. Here is a religion which advertises itself as a religion for peace which terminated rule of kingdom who killed their savior but helped them for surviving and expansion and tried to exterminate a maternal religion for getting their savior killed. They even didn’t care to look back and say hey they are the people who gave us God and scriptures and Festivals. Such is the greatness of Christianity.

Lets see a few more great things which Christianity had presented us. After reading this, many Hindus should understand in what way we and our heritage are great than any other religion present today on earth. Offcourse I am going to say about Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade. Cathar crusade is about killing of Christians whose gaffe was to worship Christ in a different way. This is dealt very seriously and they were all killed. Some information can be found about cathars here. Today’s Southern France was completely cleansed(killed) of cathars. Was Buddha, Mahavira, got killed by any Hindu ruler in India? As a matter of fact, many Hindu rulers even supported Buddhists and Jains.

Science and Technology was only developed in Europe after church’s grip on educational institutions was loosened. Even loosening of this grip happened at a greater cost. During that time many people in Europe were not allowed to enter church for centuries. Rage built inside society and it broke in birth of Protestantism which had a death toll of 1.5 million lives. This is the cost Europe had paid only to loosen grip of church and birth of a rival sect Protestantism. I would like to ask you my friend how many lives did India spent for getting equal rights and education to women and untouchables? How many lives were lost for eradicating Untouchability in India? Doesn’t this show that even though we were not highly educated as Europeans, it didn’t took spending of lives to get a change. Did it? If this wasn’t called flexibility of religion and greatness of people, I don’t understand what else to call so.

Now let’s talk about role of church in India. Christianity was first entered in India during 4th centuary AD. It happened in the form of Syrian Christians. Syrian Christians were persecuted by Persians not because of their religion as was told us, but because of their relations with romans. This can be found where Persians even supported Persian Christians. The Syrian Christians came through sea route and entered kerala. They were given shelter and allowed to practice their religion by the present day hindu kings. When the portugese came to india in 16th century, they were stunned to see the Christians worshipping Jesus in entirely hindu rituals. This may sound unbelievable but it can also be found even today that many Christians around Nagarjuna Sagar Dam celebrate festival for Mary and they even break coconuts infront of her statues. When Christians entered Goa, they converted forcefully many people into their religion and we can’t expect any better behavior from them. Apart from this, the catholic church sided with Portugese when they invaded India. This betrayal is never told in text books and they hardly took any place during independence struggle. To cover this betrayal now the church is bringing up the murder of St. Thomas by Brahmin priests in Tamil Nadu which is based on nothing but cock-and-bull stories. This story is only taught in india and west stopped believing these stories and in recent times no reputed scholar from west dared speaking these lies, but in India, these lies find their way into newspapers as if they are truth.
Now talking about Christmas, we were told that Jesus was born on December 25. This is not true and many reputed scholars disagree with this. Because until third century, Christians never celebrated any festival on Dec 25 but there already is a great festival on that day whose celebration predates birth of Jesus. It can also be found in here. Mary conceived Jesus in a sheep ranch. Why did she conceived there? Mary and Joseph are on their way to pay taxes during that time and as we all know that December is time of extreme cold in Europe and hence taxes are collected atleast from or after March. This shows that Mary conceived Jesus on sometime between March and September which in no way coincides with Dec 25. Christians also celebrates Easter in which eggs are coloured and are hidden in house. Children are asked to find them out and when asked who hidden them, parents say that a bunny(huge rabbit) hid them. It has no relation with Christianity. Easter is a celebration in remembrance of waking of jesus from death. Is there any relation for Jesus reviving and coloring eggs? This also shows that even Easter has nothing to do with Christianity and is a festival which predates Christianity and most likely it is brought into Christianity probably by Jews.

This is the glorious history of Christianity. In one word Christianity killed communities which gave them shelter, never allowed to flourish arts. There are even many great stories like that of Mormons, but I am saving them for another post. Today during Christmas, our politicians say that we should follow the path of Jesus.

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