Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai blasts - Our real enemy

Well finally the battle with terrorists is over and one of them was caught alive and others were killed in a deadly fight. There are quite a bit questions raising over our security forces' ability to deal with terrorists. Its really hard to believe that it took 60 hours of time for 400 armed gaurds to terminate the terrorists. What took so long? Why didn't our cops use tear gas or gas which can make terrorists fell asleep so that either disabling them or killing them? These are just a few questions the Indian government should answer for its people.
Well I don't wanna waste time on other issues but I am writing this essay is to expose a few other enemies who lie between us. The very unfortunate thing is that we even don't know that they are our enemies. Ofcourse I am talking about muslim apologetics. These idiots are doing more harm than the entire islamic terroristscombinedly put together . First I want you to read this and this essays from the well famed TIME magazine. The essay says "the attacks were revenge for the persecution of Muslims in India. We love this as our country, but when our mothers and sisters were being killed, where was everybody?" When did persecution of muslims did happen in india? Is he referring about 2000 muslims in 2002(where 650 of them are hindus which our great media had never did report and keep on lying that all of them are muslims)? Or is he talking about 1992 blasts where a mosque was standing on a hindu temple for more than 500 years? When are the mothers and sisters of muslims are being killed in this country? He also tells that he loves this country then why did he keep on shooting people? Dr. Ambedkar loved this country but did he ever shot people even his people were treated very badly? Are muslims being treated that worst today in this society than once untouchables were treated in our society? I would like to answer a few of these questions.

Today there are no people getting as many priviliges as muslims, still they can claim that they are being "suppressed" and "tortured". They have 5% reservations in many states like AP, they will get special price discounts if they travel to Mecca which will in noway bolster Indian economy, infiltrators from Bangladesh are well supported in states like Bihar thanks to Laloo Prasad Yadav and they are even supported after knowing that they are engaged in blasts in Hyderabad and Banglore, the WAKF board was never questioned, they can run their religous institutions without Government authority on any form, they can beat up writers like Taslima Nasreen. Despite of these advantages, they still claim that muslims' mothers and sisters are killed. I don't know what else has to be done by Indian government and Hindus to erase their bad name.

In the essay, the author told us that muslims have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy levels and lower-paying jobs. Does this have anything to do with Hindus? I ask any rational mind to answer this question. I also would like to tell that not only muslims, even hindus in many villages have lower life spans, not so good health conditions. Coming to the literacy, a poor hindu will either send his child to a government high shcool or will let him stay illeterate for his entire life. What will a poor muslim do in India? He doesn't send his children to a Government high school, instead he sends them to a Madarsa because they are sponsored by Islamic institutions. What is taught in Madarsa anyway? They were taught Quran, Urdu and Arabic. Does any of this helps in a man's life for his career? And who should be blamed for this? Are hindus responsible for this? These are the main reasons why muslims are unemployed. One more thing that should be noted is that a hindu family will have generally two children or probably three. Ever wonder how many children does a muslim have? The answer lies between four to ten. And it is no wonder that a muslim cannot send all of his children to private schools, he can send them to a Government schools but instead they trust their own religious insitituions and send them to a madarsa. Who should be responsible for this? There are few important things to be noted. In many states there are atleast one muslim leader and none of them would have any problem for getting some extra funds for betterment of education in Muslim community. I would like to point out that Ajim Premji is also a muslim but i don't remember him doing something for spreading of education among muslims. Well if muslims themselves doing nothing for betterment of their community, who should be blamed. As per usual the Government can be blamed, but here it should be noted that the same government is doing nothing for hindus either. Then why killing people in general when they are not guilty? May be I was wrong, the guilty of people lies for they are the ones who elected the governemnt. I would also like to remind that first education minister of independent India was Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. What did he do for betterment of muslims when he was the education minister of India? Why is Mr. Zakir Naik spends so much time in spreading the word of God/Quran than developing standards of his own people? Why are not madarsas teaching education which can help to build a career instead of Quran and Urdu? These are the poeple who muslims can trust and they are being betrayed by them. Does it makes any sense blaming hindus for any of these missteps? I also would like to ask the author how many hindus did stopped Dr. A.P.J. Kalam from becoming a president. Isn't it the BJP who proposed him as a president? What did the congress do for his term renewal? Haven't they played politics with him also?

The author tried to say that the differences between hindus and muslims were born at 1857 as if untill that time hindus and muslims loved each other and they treated others as brothers and they respected others culture very well. He is ignoring the struggle between Vijayanagara empire and muslims of north india and the efforts of Shivaji Maharaj to free India from hands of muslims and who will forget the persecutions of Sikhs from hands of Mughals. Forgetting all of these, the author tells us that all of the conflicts were started from 1857 and from then the differences had increased. This is nothing but denying of history. Its too sad that the author has no knowledge of history or he is trying to portray a different picture. He also said that introduction of english as official language became the biggest hindrance of development for muslim society. This sentence would only make sense if either muslims have an inability to learn english or they denied to learn english unlike hindus who went for this education. Who should be blamed for this? English? Hindus for following english education? He is telling that Hindus and british discriminated muslims from entering into jobs. Here is an answer for you what good happen when Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was education minister? I also would like to point out that in Hyderabad during the Nizam rule, there are 60,000 arabs working while hindus only accounted for 1300. Did this hampered the advancement of hindu society? Then how can discriminating against muslims(as saying by the author) hampered their develpment? Even after 1900, muslims never went for english education. They only struck with their religion and Quran and now they are struck today as a failed society. Who should be blamed here?

He also told that muslims were distrusted by majority. The recent bomb blasts in various cities doesn't make them look any good and its all their mistake. I would like to conclude this essay by pointing out that its because of their lack of concern for family planning, lack of interest in their childrens' education, their lack of harwork and commitment from their leaders is the present result of stagnant of muslim community and it has nothing to do with hindu community. What did hindu community do when Ambedkar was so successful? Did it try to stop his attempts? No, instead it realised the mistakes and corrected them. Unless untill muslims know all of these, they won't be developed and just killing people will only make their condition worse. Its too bad that the author is focusing that hindus are the ones who should be blamed and I believe people like these are the ones who is real enemy to present society than the terrorist himself. The main point of author was to make a muslim look less evil. He is even supporting the muslim and in another way he is supporting the terrorist himself. I don't understand why hindus are blamed when muslims themselves didn't go for english education and their elite are not doing anything for them?

1 comment:

Ravi said...

Dear Write your story is really an eye opener for people who really feel that muslims are suppressed in India.But in actuality muslims enjoy even better privilege and rights than a Hindu does,and recently the statement of Manmohan that attackers on Minoroties will be seriously punished and Minorities should be given the first access for the resources.I dont really know what he means by resources.They already have access to everything even ARMS throught which they are supporting the terrorism in India.I dont believe all muslims think in a negative way.The root is illiteracy and the customs in islam.We cant really do anything about ISLAM and its laws.It depends on a muslim to practise the laws or not.Buy yes we can certainly educate them.I feel muslims must be well educated to understand what all Indians stand for.But they feel insecured of being minority and the illiterate mullahs make poor muslim's condition more miserable.Instead muslims must take advantage of the resources and try to work with Hindus for betterment of their lives as well as their fellow Indians.