Friday, February 6, 2009

The way they look at us, the way we look at ourselves

In much of the mainstream western media, there are many people who know European and American history perfectly (not the stupid Marxist like in India) and to a less extent historians too. First please read my essay on Christianity
before continuing this essay.

Now, in the mainstream media many people are against religious abuse in any form. They saw what Christianity had brought on societies and how people were kept in dark for centuaries. For Europe to get scientific advancement it has to get out from the grips of Christianity. They saw how religion (Christianity) had done all in its hand to thwart scientific development. Still the European Society had developed Science and Technology. Whenever they hear something about religious extremism, most of the elites believe all religions are just like Christianity. Whenever they saw a muslim suicide bombing, they feel that only a few muslims are using and spreading lies about islam. They feel that if they could change the deviated few, they can bring islam into peace. What many doesn’t understand is the real cause. They always fail to see that whenever a muslim does a sacrifice of himself, he yells out JIHAD. Whenever a muslim terrorist kill infront of camera and say it was done in the name of god, the elites still fail to see the real reason, because none of the elites had never read any of the original holy books of muslims. They only depend on short words delivered by some muslim leaders. Most of the elites believe that if they can change the deviated few, they can change entire religion. Many elites never had a chance (enough time) to read the scriptures of other religions. All the elites know is they saw what Christianity had done to Europe and they believe all religions are the same.

Its too sad to see the socalled elites in Indian media follow the lead of western media. Don’t they have to see the differences between Christianity and hinduis? No, they conveniently ignore all of those facts and say all religions are same and they feel Hinduism deserves treatment. This is what makes me sick. These elites project an anti-hindu view in media and socalled historians (most of them are Marxist) support it with their blunt lies. They don’t care for the truth. If you try to show them truth, they will call you a hindu nationalist or extremist or they can even link you to hindu terrorists. If you dare speak truth about Christianity or islam, you will called as hater of most peaceful religion. For some unknown reasons even the media is buying up their stuff and printing that crap. Its too sad to see that Indian media is viewing india with the eyes of westerners who experienced the evils in Christianity and its really pathetic to see when they apply same standards of Christianity to Hinduism and where Christianity is shown as divine and Hinduism is less than mundane. Indian media presents these falsified views and the westerners who think Indian media as an unbiased ones, are mislead. How many of the westerners have enough time and financial ability to visit india and check for the facts? None of them can do that. It’s obvious that they follow the Indian media and the Indian media is misleading not only the country but also the westerners.

I would like to go to history and see what had framed the western idea. Christiany no doubt had played a greater role in framing the western ideals, but lets start from beginning whatsoever recorded. Lets see history from Athens, Sparta and Greece.

Lets begin from Athens one of the oldest civilization the westerners feel proud of. It was the year 433 BC just before the Pelepponisean war. The battle is between Corcyra and Corynth. There is a third city near these two cities and it is Athens. These two cities are almost equal in armies and now the victory is decided by Athens. Whomever Athens supports will win. Lets see what the ambassadors from both cities said to the assembly of Athens. First goes Corcyra. The ambassador began by admitting that the city had never helped Athens before and infact had allied to enemies of Athens itself. There were no ties or friendship between both cities and now he came for fear and safety of Corcyra. He also said that his offer would be of mutual interests and his city which commands a heavy navy not greater than of Athens, but great enough to help Athens in future endeavours. He offered a hand of friendship and mutual interests. Now came the turn of corynth. The represent from corynth gave a brilliant speech full of passion. He talked of everything what corynth had done to Athens before. He asked how it could look at its other allies when it put out friendship of past ally in favor of enemy? He referred to Hellenic law and the need to repay corynth for all its past helps. He finally went on to list the many services corynth had performed to Athens and the importance of showing gratitude to one’s friends. Guess what, the Athens had opted for Corcyra who in past had helped enemies of athens instead of their old friends corynth. Such is the great friendship that existed in ancient Greece civilizations.

Now lets go fast forward time for a while into 350 BC Macedonia. Yes your guess is right I am going to talk about socalled Alexander the great who is no more than a mere fool. Alexander the great had subjugated all other Greece states and started an expedition to conquer Persia. He first conquered Egypt and built Alexandria. When there is no city, then what did he conquer? If there is a city, then how can Alexandria bear his name as the builder of the city? Does the historians meant to say that Alexander ordered a city to be built on previously a desert land? Then if I am not wrong it won’t take less than 5 years to build a city and how come Alexander even didn’t stay more than an year in Egypt? Lets say the second argument is right for a while. Lets assume that Alexander went on conquering after appointing a governor for building Alexandria, then who is the governor and why doesn’t his name never found? Are we to believe that Alexander built a city in desert with just a wave of his hand? If there is a city previously and Alexander conquered, destroyed and then rebuilt the city, then how can the city deservere the name of a mutilator? I never heard or read any plausible answer that’s because may be I am the first to ask such a question. Now coming to topic, the way we look at us. For referring to victories of Alexander, many people prefer the book of J. W. M ‘Crindle’s “The Invasion of India by Alexander The Great”. The author had used writings of Arrian, Curtis, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin. This book was a classic and it was written in 1893. Here are the details of author. Throughout the book in

many instances Persians, Indians and many others kingdoms whichever opposed Alexander are reffered to as barbarians. Here is the meaning of barbarians
as shown in online dictionary.

Here is the meaning from Microsoft Encarta.

We can safely conclude that barbarian means an uncivilized or uncultured and aggressive person. Now when Alexander when attacked Persia burnt down Persepolis and enchanted by the Persian style, quickly adopted to it. He behaved and dressed up like a Persian and used to appear in court just like that. This shows Persian culture is so much better than Greece that even Alexander himself couldn’t control his feelings of appreciation and adopted to native culture. When Alexander attacked india without any provocation on part of india, just as any person in world, Indians defended themselves. After attacking many minor kingdoms, Alexander used to burn them to ground and killed their inhabitants. On page 61 we were told that that Alexander got a wound from one of the arrows and on page 62 we can see how Macedonians killed inhabitants of land (who are Indians) who caused an injury to their master Alexander. The Macedonians killed just for injuring their master in a war. I don’t understand how people think when they go to war they shouldn’t get injured and got killed. Isn’t it normal that in war people will gets injured or dead? But for some reason, it still is the wrong on part of Indians whose crime whatsoever was defending their motherland. Now one more point of noteworthy is that alexander’s breast plate was broken by the arrow which hit him. Wasn’t it for the breast plate of armour, Alexander would have been dead on that very moment and nowhere in his entire history of wars his armour got broken by an enemy’s arrow. Such is the skill and technology of Indians and somehow the author have no scruples in calling Indians as barbarians. The armour of Alexander was broken and still Indians were called barbarians. Now who is the barbarian? According to definition who is uncivilized (following Persian style implements how greek styles are inferior to Persian), uncultured and aggressive (killing enemy soldiers). Alexander and their Macedonian bandits fit exactly for the description of barbarian and for some reason the author manages to say that Persians and Indians are barbarians. The author who was a retired professor of university of patna no doubt was British and it is reasonable to assume that he refers Greeks as civilized and everyone else as barbarians. What happened to the brains of Indian elite who are following this author? Doesn’t they have right to filter out the author’s feelings of Indians and don’t they know that they should present india with a glorified colours? For some reason I still don’t understand why the present Indian authors refer to ancient Indians as barbarians. It makes sense when the westerners are referring us as barbarians, but does that make any sense why we should think of us as such? This slave mentality of elites is what is damaging today’s India more than 200 years rule of british.

Now lets see the battle of carthage in 149 BC. In this siege of carthage in Africa, the romans wanted to level of the city. Initially in battle the carthagians had surrendered to romans and gave their weapons and hostages. But still the romans for no apparent reason wanted to destroy the entire city. The siege lasted for more than an year and it ended with selling of 50,000 carthigians into slavery and destroying the city of carthage entirely for no reason. Such is the benevolence of romans who are ancients of present day Europeans. History is replete with more instances of such a benevolence. How can people who came from such a worst traditions understand the greatness of India?

Now let’s see mythology of Greece, The Trojan war. In the Trojan war, achilees pledges that he will not return to war for no apparent reason other than insulting his slave. He lets his best friend die in his insolence. His son neoptolomus take slaves of the defeated Trojans. Throughout the war Greek warriors fight each other for petty reasons. Even in mahabharatha karna pledges that he will not fight until the grand sire Bheeshma is alive. Here his ego is hurt by Bheeshma. In Trojan war warriors fight for slaves. After the kurukshetra war or Ramayana war, there is no record of enslaving enemy women and children. There are even instances of helping enemies for fame in Indian history.

Elites (I call them stupids) compare Prithviraj chouhan and Mohammed Ghori as if both are of equal warriors and have equal principles. Prithviraj Chouhan forgave his enemy after he is defeated mistaking him for a king. What did ghori gave chouhan in return? The very next year ghori attacked chouhan with a huge army and took chouhan as a captive and blinded him and killed him later. This is the difference between ancient india and other countries. In india there are no slaves taken after war (this is situation until muslims entered the scene). In any other country, this is not the situation. In Babylon, in Persia, in Greece, in Roman Empire, in Holy Roman Empire, in Arabia, in Egypt, etc. you name it, there are instances replete with enslaving of enemies and using cunning and deceit in wars. Only in india this was never to find until the hindus ruled india. Untill 19th centuary, india is considered richest in whole world. This is 8 eight centuaries after india lost Islamic sword. For some reason the media is forgetting all of this great history and it is treating Hinduism on par with Christianity. It is because of the media that india today is seen in such a bad light. Even there is one more point to note. Westerners like to see others as poor. It can be noted in bagging of so many awards for Slum dog millionare and no awards are given for lagan. Lagan was not awarded not because it lacked any qualities which the Oscar committee needed, but because it showed that victory of india against british. This is what british can’t digest and so it is no wonder lagan lost. Slum dog Millionare in contrast had shown nothing but poverty of india and the title itself implies that whoever lives in slums are dogs. No wonder it bagged so many awards. It is too sad that Indian media still praising this movie which is nothing but scum. This slave mentality of Indian elite is costing a lot. It can be visible in recent heavy coverage given by Indian media to American president Mr. Obama. I agree that American president do deserve some media coverage, but not as much as what obama got. There are many mistakes which I had conveniently forgot such as black slavery of US, killing of red Indians by Americans, killing of natives in australia and NewZealand by British, genocide of south America just to name a few. The westerners were able to kill many people not only by weapons, but also by diseases. Wherever they go, they take their diseases with them and spread in new places. This is what killed red Indians more than the weapons. The Bengal famine of india had cost india more than one crore people in a centuary. It’s worth noting the recent remarks of Zimbabwe president Mr. Robert Mugabe that British are spreading cholera in his country. The british didn’t gave any explanation for this.
Its no wonder the westerners still today feels the White Man Burden. But I couldn’t grasp why Indian elite feel the same white burden?